District 41 Toastmasters

Moments of Truth

The Successful Club Series


As a club, you want every new and prospective member’s initial interaction with the club to be a positive one. These decisive times when initial impressions are formed are known as Moments of Truth. The Moments of Truth is your guide to delivering quality service and outstanding member experiences. Moments of Truth is a tool that enables sustained club quality through guided evaluation and targeted recommendations. A high-quality club encourages and celebrates member achievement, provides a supportive and fun environment, and offers a professionally organized meeting with variety. In those clubs, officers are trained in all aspects of club quality to ensure that members have access to a formal mentoring program, are provided evaluations that help them grow, and are motivated to achieve their goals. When clubs successfully exemplify the Moments of Truth, members are ensured a safe, supportive environment in which to achieve their goals.

Moments of Truth

When anyone comes in contact with any aspect of Toastmasters, the person forms an impression based on his or her experience at that particular time. Clubs must remain cognizant of these crucial, decisive times and ensure that every experience with Toastmasters is a positive one. There are six critical moments of truth in which clubs have an opportunity to create positive impressions. The six critical Toastmasters moments of truth are:

  • First Impression
  • Membership Orientation
  • Fellowship, Variety and Communication
  • Program Planning and Meeting Organization
  • Membership Strength
  • Achievement Recognition

Submit Your MoT Outcomes

Kindly also note that timely submission of MOT results ( by 15 August, 2023) is also a qualifying criteria for Golden Gavel award.